
What is andropause?

Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a condition that can affect men as they age. It is characterized by a gradual decline in testosterone levels and can cause various symptoms including:

The condition is similar to female menopause, but develops more slowly in men. Unlike the relatively rapid drop in estrogen that causes women's menopausal symptoms, testosterone levels in men generally fall over a longer period of starting around age 30.

What causes andropause?

The exact causes are not fully understood, but it likely involves a combination of factors including:

When to see a doctor

If you experience possible symptoms of andropause like sexual problems, mood changes, or lethargy, see your doctor. They can check your testosterone levels with a simple blood test and recommend treatment options if needed.

The knowledgeable physicians at Balance Health Clinic specialize in treating andropause and other hormone conditions. They will carefully evaluate your labs and symptoms, then work with you to create a customized treatment plan involving lifestyle changes, supplements, or testosterone replacement therapy as needed to help you feel healthy and energetic again!

Andropause treatment

If test results confirm declining testosterone, treatment may include:

With proper treatment, most men find their symptoms greatly improved or resolved. Close monitoring is important, as testosterone therapy has some risks if not properly managed.

The outlook for andropause

With increased awareness and better testing, more men are having low testosterone recognized and treated effectively. The stigma around this condition is fading.

While some degree of testosterone decline is inevitable with age, the symptoms no longer need to be an unavoidable "male menopause." Today's options allow most men to enjoy better vitality and quality of life as they age.

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