Cholesterol levels - Balance Health Clinic

What are cholesterol levels?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. There are two types:

High cholesterol levels can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. As per the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, ideal cholesterol levels are:

How do you know if you have high cholesterol? Get your cholesterol checked through a simple blood test. Your doctor can tell you your levels.

There are often no signs or symptoms of high cholesterol. That's why it's important to get checked regularly, especially if you have risk factors like smoking, obesity, diabetes, or a family history of early heart disease.

What causes high cholesterol? Both genetics and lifestyle factors come into play:

What can you do to improve cholesterol levels? With some lifestyle tweaks, you may be able to lower your cholesterol naturally:

If these don't work, medications like statins may be required. The experts at Balance Health Clinic can assess your risk factors and help develop an integrated treatment plan to get your cholesterol on track. Their holistic approach looks at nutrition, exercise, stress management and the latest medical therapies like peptide injections to boost heart health. Visit ]() for more information or to book a consultation.

Getting your cholesterol checked and addressing any issues is important for preserving heart health. Work with your doctor or clinic to learn your levels and lower any risks. With lifestyle changes and properly managed treatment, most people can get their cholesterol into a healthy range.

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