Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent feelings of tiredness, exhaustion and lack of energy that can last for at least 6 months or longer. The exact cause is often difficult to pinpoint, but potential factors can include:

People with chronic fatigue need to rule out and address any potential underlying causes with the help of a knowledgeable physician. Getting proper medical care is crucial.

At Balance Health Clinic, we specialize in advanced hormone testing to uncover potential deficiencies or imbalances contributing to fatigue. We dig deeper through cutting-edge tests like organic acids testing and microbiome analysis to find clues related to cellular energy status, methylation issues or hidden infections.

Our clinicians take an integrative approach and provide customized treatment plans to improve energy levels, including nutrients, herbs and bioidentical hormones like thyroid, cortisol and testosterone. We also incorporate lifestyle changes related to diet, exercise, sleep and stress reduction.

Some key symptoms of chronic fatigue besides fatigue include:

People with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have additional criteria like post-exertional malaise where physical or mental activity can trigger a crash or relapse in symptoms.

At Balance Health Clinic, we take chronic fatigue very seriously and perform the necessary medical workup to find solutions. Call us today to schedule a fatigue focused consultation. We accept most major insurances and provide flexible payment plans. Relief starts with one call.

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