Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to habits and practices that support healthy, restorative sleep. Good sleep hygiene helps us fall asleep faster, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed. Some key components of sleep hygiene include:
Sleep environment: Our bedrooms should be cool, dark, and quiet. Consider using blackout curtains, a fan or air conditioner, and a white noise machine if needed to block light and noise. Make sure your mattress, pillows, and bedding are comfortable.

Routines: Having a calming pre-bed routine signals to our bodies and minds that it's time for sleep. Activities like taking a warm bath, reading, or light stretches help us unwind.

Electronic devices: Screens from TVs, computers, phones, and tablets suppress melatonin production and stimulate our brains. Avoid electronics 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

Caffeine, alcohol and big meals: Consuming caffeinated drinks, alcohol or heavy meals too close to bed makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. Finish these 3-4 hours before bed.

Exercise: Moderate exercise during the day helps us fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. However, vigorous activity too close to bed may make it harder to wind down.

Sleep/wake times: Going to bed and waking up at consistent times trains our body's internal clock for better sleep. Even on weekends, try to keep your schedule on track.

Naps: Limit daytime naps to 30 minutes. Long or late naps can interfere with nighttime sleep.

If you're having ongoing problems sleeping, poor sleep may be impacting your health. The specialists at Balance Health Clinic can provide cutting-edge testing to assess hormone imbalances and other issues that could be interfering with restful sleep. Rebalancing your hormones revitalizes energy, mood, focus and overall wellness. Their personalized programs, premium supplements and advanced Peptide therapies help patients achieve transformative results. Visit to learn more and request a consultation with a Hormone Optimization Specialist.

Implementing healthy sleep habits requires some discipline, but the impact on how you feel and function makes it worthwhile. Start with one or two changes above and build positive rituals over time. Consistent sleep hygiene lets you awaken each day feeling genuinely refreshed and restored.

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